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new site features: accounts, themes, and feedback

posted 2023.07.05
send feedback

As of a little bit ago you can have your very own damiensnyder.com account. This allows you to change the site appearance to a different aesthetic theme, such as “forest” or “hacker”. You can sign up for an account here and hopefully you can be trusted to figure out the rest.

There is also a feedback button at the top of each post. If you’re logged in and you don’t check the “send anonymously” button, I will know the feedback came from your account. Otherwise I won’t. But you can still say “this message is from so-and-so” and I’ll probably believe that so-and-so sent it.1

If you have an account, you can also ask me (via the feedback forms or however else you know how to reach me) to give you permissions to view extra posts. The permissions available are described on the profile page. I will probably give you the permissions you ask for, but if I don’t know you you would have to convince me. And maybe I will feel extra capricious and cruel that day so no guarantees.

Besides maybe some new themes, this is probably all the user-facing code updates the main site will get for a while. In the meantime I plan to resume work on music, blog posts, and the arcade section of the site. And I have a job so mostly that.

  1. So-and-so is always sending me messages.