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My qualifications, work history, and portfolio

posted 2023.02.19
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Note: I recently accepted a job offer from MAQ Software and I look forward to starting on May 1st. I am leaving this page up in case someone comes along with an offer that doesn’t conflict with my new job, or which is way way better than it.

Hi, if you’re some kind of recruiter or hiring manager, you’ve come to the right place.1 This page details my qualifications and portfolio in detail. For a briefer, more clinical overview, please see my résumé.

Basic details

I graduated from the University of Washington in December 2022. I got my B.S. in Computer Science (data science track) and my GPA was 3.79. For a brief time I was also a double-major in that and ACMS2, which means I’ve taken more statistics and applied math courses than a typical CS grad.

Before that I went to Mercer Island High School, where I graduated in 2019 with a 3.93 GPA.3

What I’m looking for

I’m looking for a full-time job in software engineering, preferably in the subfield of data science, machine learning, and/or artificial intelligence. I am not restricting my search to those fields, but they will make the best use of my skills. A web development job (which I can do full-stack, or as just frontend or backend) would also suit me well. I would accept a job outside of my areas of expertise given a good offer and with the understanding that I would need quite a bit of training.

I am looking for a job with competitive pay, ideally in the Seattle area with hybrid work available. Fully in-person is also acceptable, and I would consider remote work or a job in the NYC area given the right offer.

Work history

Software engineering contractor, Spadafy Inc. June to September 2021. Remote. I made a helpdesk app for IT people to field support tickets from users and send them messages. This also involved making a tool that would let IT people customize what fields were on the support ticket creation form. The centralized helpdesk application was made in Django and React. I also did some work on the client app for submitting the tickets, but this position ended before I finished. The client app was in C#.

Machine learning contractor, John Snow Labs. June to September 2020. Remote. I made demo applications of John Snow Labs’ machine learning models, to be displayed on the company’s website. The demos were made with Python and Streamlit. I collected the data the demos were based on, then processed it in Jupyter notebooks using the company’s SparkNLP and SparkOCR models.

Math tutor, Mathnasium. April to July 2017, June to September 2019. Mercer Island, WA. I tutored children of all ages in math. (Mostly elementary and middle school, but ranging from pre-K to high school.) This mostly consisted of grading worksheets and explaining unfamiliar concepts that students were struggling with.

Machine learning engineer, Tupl. July to August 2017. I developed a tool using Python, numpy and pandas to evaluate and present the results of a machine learning algorithm. (Because I was rather inexperienced and spent much of the internship training, and because the internship was so short, this was all I finished in my time at Tupl.)

My skills

Programming languages: I have extensive experience with Python, Javascript/Typescript, Java, HTML/CSS, SQL, and R. I have some experience with PHP, C, C#, Rust, MATLAB, and Unix shell scripting.

Web technologies: I have extensive experience with Django, Node, React, Next, Svelte, Express, npm, and yarn.

Data science/AI technologies: I have extensive experience with numpy, pandas, ggplot, dplyr, and Jupyter notebooks. I have some experience with PyTorch, Spark, and d3.js.

Other tools: I have extensive experience with git and LaTeX. I have some experience with nginx.

I also some broader skills. I can scrape, process, and clean data from the internet. I can use statistical and numerical techniques to make inferences from data, and I have practice designing methodologies that use these techniques correctly.4 I can write useful documentation. I can design and use an API that works well for its use case and can be extended if needed. I can design websites that are useful, aesthetic, and easy to navigate. And where necessary, I can write quality prose with correct grammar and punctuation.

Other significant projects


I built an arcade site (currently with two games) starting in spring 2022. It is made using Typescript, SvelteKit, socket.io, and Express, and it is hosted on a cloud server using nginx.5 You can find the code here. Because the project is solo and still in progress, the documentation, style, and futureproofing may not be as good as they could be. However, this project is quite large (thousands of lines of code), and I am proud of certain accomplishments within it, including:

This site was based on my older game, Siphon State, which is no longer online but can be viewed in its GitHub repository. This game was made using most of the same tools, except instead of using SvelteKit, it used React and Next.

This website

This site (the one you are on) is one of my other major undertakings, made in fall 2021. The code is here. It is made using Django. I use a custom markdown implementation and I wrote my own templates.

The previous version of this site (code here) was made in React and Next, hosted as a static site. You can see some screenshots of it here.

There is an even older version of the site made in PHP and handwritten HTML/CSS. It was my first experience with web development and in fact I do not have a repo of it because I did not use version control back then.

TagPro statistical analyses

In 2020 I made a series of over twenty statistical analyses of data from the webgame TagPro. The analysis was done in Python and R (later Rust and R), mostly in the dplyr framework. The data was derived from the website tagpro.eu. While I would not like to link my professional profile directly to a gaming account, I will link some of the data visualizations I created: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

These were each accompanied with an explanation of the methodology behind them, and a thorough analysis of the results, taking care to accurately present the conclusions and their level of uncertainty.

  1. If you’re a friend of mine, I can’t say I’m surprised you clicked this. Because back when I had my résumé displayed where this page is, when I would show the site to someone my age, that was the first link they would click on every single time. But anyway, if you’re not trying to hire me, this page is merely a view into what it looks like when I advertise myself professionally. 

  2. Applied Computational and Mathematical Studies. Basically computer science + statistics + applied math. 

  3. I also got a 1520 on my SAT and a 35 on my ACT, and I was a National Merit Scholar. 

  4. That is: applying tests correctly; choosing appropriate tests for the data; identifying possible biases and confounders; correctly quantifying uncertainty; validating data; communicating results effectively; generally not p-hacking or otherwise committing statistical malpractice. 

  5. It is the same server I use to host this site. I manage the whole deployment myself from the command line.